Devadahakai Chiranjivi were forced to become the best of mourners. Walking in the same direction collided west from Butwal wedding car collided with two of the wedding are innumerable.
On Wednesday night, 9 pm East-West highway Butwal Sub--14 dhavahama the accident. Devdaha bardiyakalagi walked Ba Lu 1 Kha 41 9 5 Chaudhary, a wedding aboard the bus was stopped on a highway for a few moments.
Nawalparasi, Dang Ba 13 Cha 3063 for the restoration ceremony on board the bus back collided with a wedding trip Ba Scorpio suddenly swept into savayatrama seriously. Scorpio unanticipated bus was carrying 10 meters below the road.
Was taken to the West Regional Traffic Police Office recorded three died on the spot in the accident, according to him. Bhae 25 injured.
The deceased 22-year-old Durga Saru Nawalparashi Ratanpur, 23-year-old Dinesh sinjali and 5-year-old daughter Dang Lalmatiya calakaki Scorpio resident of the Holy Chhetri.
The deceased were traveling Scorpio. There were 6 men were riding. The other passengers are injured. Most of the wedding of the bus were injured. They are undergoing treatment at various hospitals in Butwal.
Scorpio bus enclosures is completely damaged. If the bus is minor damage. Scorpio wine and song, music, entertainment, cool ride in the front during the night time road conditions the driver can not see the accident, police said. According to police, the accident owing to the rapid pace of another.
According to the West Regional traffic police on Wednesday afternoon Nawalparasi Sunwal 4 Ba Lu 1 Kha 3024 veered uncontrollably rapid Micro Fall 6 passengers were injured.
So Bardaghat bus, truck, car and motorcycle collided once were. If, however, did not lessen human
- See more at: http://www.annapurnapost.com/News.aspx/story/27133#sthash.dY3584vU.dpuf what will be strange! Rupandehi- Devdaha VDC-5 of Sanjay Chaudhary Chaudhary wedding umashankar suddenly became mourners.
Devadahakai Chiranjivi were forced to become the best of mourners. Walking in the same direction collided west from Butwal wedding car collided with two of the wedding are innumerable.
On Wednesday night, 9 pm East-West highway Butwal Sub--14 dhavahama the accident. Devdaha bardiyakalagi walked Ba Lu 1 Kha 41 9 5 Chaudhary, a wedding aboard the bus was stopped on a highway for a few moments.
Nawalparasi, Dang Ba 13 Cha 3063 for the restoration ceremony on board the bus back collided with a wedding trip Ba Scorpio suddenly swept into savayatrama seriously. Scorpio unanticipated bus was carrying 10 meters below the road.
Was taken to the West Regional Traffic Police Office recorded three died on the spot in the accident, according to him. Bhae 25 injured.
The deceased 22-year-old Durga Saru Nawalparashi Ratanpur, 23-year-old Dinesh sinjali and 5-year-old daughter Dang Lalmatiya calakaki Scorpio resident of the Holy Chhetri.
The deceased were traveling Scorpio. There were 6 men were riding. The other passengers are injured. Most of the wedding of the bus were injured. They are undergoing treatment at various hospitals in Butwal.
Scorpio bus enclosures is completely damaged. If the bus is minor damage. Scorpio wine and song, music, entertainment, cool ride in the front during the night time road conditions the driver can not see the accident, police said. According to police, the accident owing to the rapid pace of another.
According to the West Regional traffic police on Wednesday afternoon Nawalparasi Sunwal 4 Ba Lu 1 Kha 3024 veered uncontrollably rapid Micro Fall 6 passengers were injured.
So Bardaghat bus, truck, car and motorcycle collided once were. If, however, did not lessen human
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